Thursday, September 10, 2009

A week in review and preview…

Chief Joe Miller "may" stay on to protect and serve for a few more years. Mary Houle has been branded a public enemy and an invasive species. Heir-no-longer-apparent, Sarah Messier has gone radio silent after her selectboard meeting outburst. The mob gets a win over the selectboard. The selectboard in turn pops a celebrex and prepares for Friday's persnickety people party at the middle school. The three Jonesville Underground members wanted by police for "awesomeness" in the pages of Seven Days offer to turn themselves in, so they too can make pink t-shirts featuring the absurdity. West Bolton and Jonesville secede from their respective oppressors and create the town of Joltonville. Huntington residents shake their heads, reinstate the embargo against Richmond, and get back to the party. See you all at the Living Arts Festival!



  1. Daniel

    How is your child support coming along?

    Yours truly,

  2. ...figured I'd let that last comment through to demonstrate the caliber of our community...glad I've got the right people riled up.


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