Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Richmond board rejects resignation

Most excellent news! As always, the comment section is a hoot.

Thank you to all who helped circulate the petition relative to the resignation of Chief Miller. Over 400 signatures were collected and presented to the Selectboard on Tuesday night. Unfortunately a lot of people were disenfranchised by the way the meeting was scheduled, public comment canceled and then allowed. As has been announced, there is a public meeting scheduled for Friday, September 11 at 6:30 PM at Camels Hump Middle School. It is important for the public with concerns to attend this meeting and share their concerns with the Selectboard. Even though there was some positive action taken at last night's meeting, a lot more needs to be done to restore the integrity of the Town and its elected officials. We and our elected officials can and need to do better.

Fran Thomas


  1. Fran Thomas is the problem in Richmond not Mary Houle. Fran Thomas is colluding with the Chief because she doesn't like Mary Houle personally and does not like Ms. Houle's policies.

  2. If people are going to name names, throw accusations around, why don't you name your own name?

    Rob Peterson
    54 Jones Mill Road

  3. As a former 23 year resident of Richmond, I knew Fran Thomas for 20 of those years, and have known Chief Miller for more than 16 years.

    I have no idea who "Anonymous" is, but to slander Mrs. Thomas and Chief Miller as you have shows me that you are a coward, nothing more, nothing less.

    The positive contibutions Fran and her husband Dave have made to Richmond during the past three decades are legendary; and, Chief Miller has always been an excellent law enforcement official.

    Yet, it seems that ever since Mrs. Houle was elected to the Selectboard, and appointed herself to the Planning Commission, Richmond's citizens and children have been poorly served.

    I regret that I can not be in attendence Friday night to praise both Mrs. Thomas and Chief Miller for their efforts to make Richmond a great place to live. Hopefully, 100's of the fine people of people will take that opportunity.

    Gilbert W.Chapman
    York, Pennsylvania


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