Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Seven Days

Here is a link to our latest article in Seven Days:


  1. I am very proud of you guys for keeping up the fight. I know what it's like dealing with annoying legal issues as well as people who just don't understand that we all need to just help each other out. Find solutions together rather than throw punches.
    Keep up the good work, and maybe soon I can come home and we can shoot an awesome web promo together!

  2. Excellent article in 7D. We live down the road and are rooting for you. Don't let the curmudgeons get you down. Richmond needs a selectboard change next election for sure.

  3. We live in Jonesville and are sorry about all the trouble you seem to be having. We are really excited about the store and hope you can open soon!

  4. can I gets a clean up on aisle three, and make sure you grab an extra mop, we gots a big mess, looks like somebody dropped a box of punji sticks the article

  5. In response to Seven Days article stating "According to Houle, the mural may violate the state’s anti-billboard law." I cant help but remember the googly armed "where's waldo" mural on the big water tank in town that was in our visual for years (and years, and years). If it was a violation of some law, I want compensation for my pain and suffering (lol)!

  6. Don't let the bastids get y'down, Dan. Having worked with (i.e. around) some of the principals in this story, I feel your pain. Truly SMALL town politics in its most miniscule incarnation.

  7. Living in Bolton where we have little feeling of community, I was ecstatic to see your sign go up. Please know there are many of us out there supporting you. Music in the basement..Wow. Maybe some traditional music sessions!


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